The Main Differences Between Prototyping Tooling And Production Tooling


When it comes to product development, conducting a test is a critical element. And in several cases, an engineer may be required to demonstrate some expertise on how the new revolutionary design is going to perform. In this blog post, we look at the significant aspects of prototype tooling and production tooling. 

In different instances, there are often regulatory requirements that demand the testing of products from the point of representative materials coupled with materials as well as processes that easily correspond to the intended products. As a significant part of the prototyping methodology, usually, manufacturers use various unique strategies to execute prototypes. This depends on the actual purpose of the parts you aspire to produce.

Background Check

And when injection molding becomes part of the deal production deal, the application of uniquely created polymers in product specification can result in the demand to inject the molded components used in the testing process to get excellent results. So depending on the actual circumstances involved, the production injection molds can be utilized.

Usually, the objective is to make sure that there is a superior prototype which will be timely tested. This plays a role in helping to identify the design changes prior to taking a product to production.

Prototyping tooling vs. production tool

There are definitely several vital decisions that must go into the process of prototype tooling. The method enables a viable design team that can select the right build strategy. One primary factor to consider is the unique nature of the product design.

This implies the more special a design is, the more important it is to indulge in the process of testing. The overall schedule of the program can contribute to the success of product delivery. The component that requires testing can be a critical part of the overall system under development.

Final production tooling and timing can be aligned with the general system’s development and the actual schedule. In case this occurs, waiting for the process of production tooling can be a costly affair coupled with delays. And in such cases, just a simple prototype tool can be used to allow for the evaluation of products.

Eventually, there is always the likelihood of having a product change as a factor to consider in case a different prototype tooling is used.

Main Differences

In the case of production as well as prototyping, different tools are used. But there are always two factors that influence the difference. They are such as:

  • Product Quantity – here, the degree and level of automation tool usually have a direct relationship with the quantity intended. Therefore, the high production molds are always automated with the wear and maintenance provisions coupled with sensing techniques for productivity.
  • Hard vs. Soft Product Tooling- the second difference between prototype tooling and production tooling is the type of material used in both cases. In production tooling, you will use materials made from hardened P20 and H13. These could also be steel like materials used for long tool life. Prototype tools are known as soft tools. This is based on the fact that aluminum is utilized.

Final Thoughts

In both processes, it is important to consider the type of materials used. And in drive production, you need to weigh in on the volumes incorporated in the production process while aligning the expectations of what you need in the long run.


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