Six Types and Applicability of lock nuts


Bolts and nuts are two inspired inventions used together to secure multiple objects. It’s common for standard nuts and bolts to loosen over time when exposed to vibration. Lock nuts are not the custodian of such traditions; it clasps vibrating objects without liberating. To better understand how these nuts function, we are going to base our discussion on two main areas.

How are lock nuts made and applied?

Their timely invention coincided with the historical marvel. In the middle of the automobile boom, 80 years ago, lock nuts were needed to secure parts of a moving locomotive.

 In the past, companies used more than one bolt was used to secure toting parts. After inserting the first nut, a second one was added. The primary purpose if the second nut was to prevent the first nut from slipping loose. It was a cost-ineffective approach that many had to bear with.

The design of the lock nut incorporates some useful mechanical properties. A nylon sleeve prevents the nut from loosening once tightened. As the nut tightens, threads cut through the nylon sleeve, holding it firmly like a magnet. During movements, conventional nuts shake loose, leaving the bolt, but the lock nut is held in place tightly thanks to these developments.

Types of lock nuts

The most common type is the metal- nylon types, which have been elaborated above. The following are other varieties

Hex jam nuts

Jam nuts are used together with other nuts that are tightened against each other. Hex nuts have good holding capabilities allowing them to be semi-used. It can be used in tightly packed areas where a full-size nut can’t fit.

Castellated nuts

The low torque area adores a mechanical challenge on the nature of the nuts. Well, in this are, castellated nuts will work effectively. Such regions include holding a car wheel bearing in place.

Keep k-lock

It’s a winged lock with an inbuilt washer. The visible wings are delicate washers which operate under medium force. Over tightening breaks the washers rendering k-lock unserviceable.

Serrated flanged lock nuts

These type fasteners borrowed their characteristic from an unsuspecting source- serrated beaks typical in water birds. Once the prey is caught, there is little chance of escaping. The same applies to serrated nuts. Its backside has metal sheeting that prevents it from loosening once tightened.

Center lock nut

This is a two-way nut meaning it can be used on either side. When you start screwing the nut, it will tighten irrespective of the face. A center lock nut has some sort of a punch in the middle that distorts the threads, preventing it from sliding out.

Stove lock nuts

It operates under the principle of friction interference- between the threads and the bolt. The friction is generated by a prevailing torque- internal resistance. Fiction develops a tight bond that requires wrenching during assembling.

We have begun to unravel the secret behind the success stories of lock nuts. We have locked into Applicability and types, but more is yet to come.


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